Summer 2025 Course Schedule (Undergraduate) |
Review the schedule of courses below. To see more detail about a course, click on the course title, then 'View Catalog Entry.' - Make note of the courses for which you wish to register. You will need the 5-digit code located in the CRN column to complete the registration form.
- Students who are new to MCLA or were previously enrolled who wish to take courses as a non-degree student need to fill a Course Registration Application.
- Please note that once you have completed your course selection, you must click on the 'Pay for Courses' button to finish your registration.
- Payment is due at time of registration. Failure to pay will result in the dropping of your semester course schedule.
- Students who receive an error message should contact the Registrar's Office by email at or by phone at 413-662-5216.
Biology |
BIOL-105-01 (40009) |
UD |
Human Biology |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
Billetz, Ann |
BIOL-150-01 (40036) |
UD |
Intro to Biology I: Cells |
4 |
07/07-08/16 MW 05:30pm-07:29pm (CSI-113)
07/07-08/16 MW 05:30pm-07:29pm (CSI-124) |
19 |
Billetz, Ann |
Coreq: BIOL-150L |
BIOL-150L-01 (40037) |
UD |
Lab: Intro to Biology I:Cells |
0 |
07/07-08/16 MW 07:30pm-10:00pm (CSI-124) |
19 |
Billetz, Ann |
Coreq: BIOL-150 |
BIOL-330-01 (40038) |
UD |
Journal Article Discussion |
1 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
11 |
Hamaoui, George |
Prereq: junior/senior status. |
Business Administration |
BADM-160-01 (40008) |
UD |
Management |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
25 |
Nondo, Helen |
BADM-170-01 (40035) |
UD |
Marketing |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
25 |
Shapiro, Amy |
Capstone |
CCAP-300-01 (40010) |
UD |
Ethical Issues in Healthcare |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
15 |
Porther, N. |
Prereq: Junior status and completion of all Tier I and Tier II requirements. |
CCAP-305-01 (40039) |
UD |
Representations of Nature |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
15 |
Shustack, Daniel |
Prereq: Junior status and completion of all Tier I and Tier II requirements. |
Chemistry |
CHEM-150-01 (40013) |
UD |
Introduction to Chemistry I |
4 |
05/21-07/03 TR 05:30pm-07:59pm (CSI-124)
05/21-07/03 TR 05:30pm-07:59pm (CSI-313) |
11 |
Harris, Robert |
Coreq: CHEM-150L |
CHEM-150L-01 (40014) |
UD |
Laboratory: Intro. to Chem. I |
0 |
05/21-07/03 TR 08:00pm-10:00pm (CSI-124)
05/21-07/03 TR 08:00pm-10:00pm (CSI-313) |
11 |
Harris, Robert |
Coreq: CHEM-150 |
CHEM-152-01 (40040) |
UD |
Introduction to Chemistry II |
4 |
07/07-08/16 TR 05:30pm-07:29pm (CSI-309)
07/07-08/16 TR 05:30pm-07:29pm (CSI-313) |
15 |
Miller, Steven |
Prereq: CHEM 150. Coreq: CHEM 152L. Coreq: CHEM-152L |
CHEM-152L-01 (40041) |
UD |
Laboratory: Intro to Chem. II |
0 |
07/07-08/16 TR 07:30pm-10:00pm (CSI-309)
07/07-08/16 TR 07:30pm-10:00pm (CSI-313) |
15 |
Miller, Steven |
Coreq: CHEM-152 |
Communications |
COMM-205-01 (40042) |
UD |
Introduction to Photography |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
Jones, Gillian |
Computer Science |
CSCI-347-01 (40015) |
UD |
Intro Web Dev w Python Flask |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
20 |
Wang, Guodong |
Prereq: Department approval. |
Creative Arts |
CCCA-207-01 (40012) |
UD |
Children's Lit.: A Lively Art |
3 |
05/21-07/03 M 05:30pm-08:30pm (ONLINE) |
25 |
Ostermayer, Fiona |
Economics |
ECON-315-01 (40016) |
UD |
Environmental Economics |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
20 |
Adeeko, Omotara |
Prereq: ENVI 150 or ENVI 150H or ENVI 152H or ECON 241 or ECON 242 and junior status. |
English |
ENGL-150-01 (40018) |
UD |
College Writing |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
16 |
Papa, Victoria |
ENGL-210-01 (40019) |
UD |
Essentials of Film |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
Zepernick, Anne |
ENGL-397-01 (40043) |
UD |
Horror Films |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
25 |
Zepernick, Anne |
Prereq: ENGL 210. |
Environmental Studies |
ENVI-226-01 (40044) |
UD |
Nature of New England |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
19 |
Shustack, Daniel |
ENVI-315-01 (40017) |
UD |
Environmental Economics |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
20 |
Adeeko, Omotara |
Prereq: ENVI 150 or ENVI 150H or ENVI 152H or ECON 241 or ECON 242 and junior status. |
Health |
HLTH-105-01 (40022) |
UD |
Medical Terminology |
1 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
23 |
Goodwin, Anne |
HLTH-115-01 (40046) |
UD |
Science of Human Wellness |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
Best, Andrew |
HLTH-210-01 (40047) |
UD |
Human Growth and Development |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
21 |
Schroder, Maryann |
HLTH-300-01 (40011) |
UD |
Ethical Issues in Health Care |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
17 |
Porther, N. |
Prereq: Junior/senior status. |
History |
HIST-114-01 (40020) |
UD |
U.S. History after 1877 |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
22 |
Janis, Ely |
HIST-260-01 (40045) |
UD |
Superheroes and Amer. Society |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
23 |
Janis, Ely |
HIST-320-01 (40021) |
UD |
Amer. Immigration & Ethnicity |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
19 |
Janis, Ely |
Prereq: Junior/senior status or HIST 290. |
HIST-320-02 (40031) |
UD |
Civics in Massachusetts |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
18 |
Mark, Paul |
Prereq: Junior/senior status or HIST 290. |
Leadership |
LEAD-200-01 (40023) |
UD |
Introduction to Leadership |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
Nondo, Helen |
Mathematics |
MATH-100-01 (40048) |
UD |
Math for Educators I |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
19 |
Polidoro, Lucas |
MATH-150-01 (40024) |
UD |
Precalculus |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
20 |
Kiley, Erin |
Prereq: Placement based on SAT scores and high school background. |
MATH-220-01 (40049) |
UD |
Calculus I |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
Kiley, Erin |
Prereq: MATH 150, placement based on SAT and high school background or department approval. |
MATH-232-01 (40025) |
UD |
Introduction to Statistics |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
21 |
Polidoro, Lucas |
MATH-232-02 (40050) |
UD |
Introduction to Statistics |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
25 |
Hartung, Elizabeth |
Music |
MUSI-100-01 (40026) |
UD |
Introduction to Music |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
Dilthey, Michael |
MUSI-100-02 (40051) |
UD |
Introduction to Music |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
25 |
Condaris, Christine |
Philosophy |
PHIL-200-01 (40028) |
UD |
Logic and Critical Reasoning |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
23 |
Nnodim, Paul |
Physical Education |
PHED-215-01 (40027) |
UD |
Lifetime Wellness |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
Porther, N. |
Physics |
PHYS-131-01 (40029) |
UD |
General Physics I |
4 |
05/21-07/03 MW 05:30pm-07:29pm (CSI-109) |
14 |
Allen, Paul |
Coreq: PHYS-131L |
PHYS-131L-01 (40030) |
UD |
Laboratory: General Physics I |
0 |
05/21-07/03 MW 07:30pm-10:00pm (CSI-109) |
14 |
Allen, Paul |
Coreq: PHYS-131 |
PHYS-132-01 (40052) |
UD |
General Physics II |
4 |
07/07-08/16 MW 05:30pm-07:29pm (CSI-109) |
15 |
Allen, Paul |
Prereq: PHYS 131. Coreq: PHYS 132L. Coreq: PHYS-132L |
PHYS-132L-01 (40053) |
UD |
Laboratory: General Physics II |
0 |
07/07-08/16 MW 07:30pm-10:00pm (CSI-109) |
15 |
Allen, Paul |
Coreq: PHYS-132 |
Political Science |
POSC-315-01 (40032) |
UD |
Civics in Massachusetts |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
20 |
Mark, Paul |
Prereq: Junior/senior status or POSC 210. |
Psychology |
PSYC-495-01 (40056) |
UD |
LGBTQ+ Psychology |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
15 |
Becker, Joshua |
Prereq: Junior/senior status and completion of Tier II Self & Society domain. |
Radiologic Technology |
RADT-455-01 (40033) |
UD |
Clinical Radiography III |
6 |
05/19-08/01 (OFF-CAMPUS) |
14 |
Walsh, Julie |
Prereq: RADT 365 with a minimum grade of C+. Additional Fee |
Sociology |
SOCI-100-01 (40054) |
UD |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
22 |
McElroy, Jenna |
Spanish |
SPAN-101-01 (40034) |
UD |
Elementary Spanish I |
3 |
05/21-07/03 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
24 |
D'Elia-Brillante, Graziana |
SPAN-102-01 (40057) |
UD |
Elementary Spanish II |
3 |
07/07-08/16 ASYNC (ONLINE) |
17 |
D'Elia-Brillante, Graziana |
Prereq: SPAN 101 or equivalent. |